Wine at weddings

Wine at Weddings
And there should not be any whine at weddings
I am the wedding minister at a rehearsal and was graciously invited to the dinner afterwards.
Someone close to the groom asked me if I wanted a glass of wine, a beer or something harder to drink, as He was buying for the party.
Just as the groom's friend finished asking me for the drink, the groom introduced me to this friend as the chaplain performing the wedding ceremony.
He apologised to me profusely about offending me with the offer of alcohol.
I told him that I attended a Baptist Seminary and that they are strongly against drinking.
I asked the friend of the groom, who offered me a drink, if he knew what the very first recorded miracle of Jesus was in the Holy Bible.
I could see the look in his eyes as he was thinking...
"Great, I offer the wedding preacher a drink, and now He is asking me a Bible question."
I told the groom's friend that the first recorded miracle of Jesus was when Jesus was at the wedding and
The grooms friend did not feel ashamed that He offered me a drink and He thought that the miracle of the wine was awesome.
Thanks for putting up with my ravings...
Chaplain Robert H. (Bob) Walker B.TH.
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