Many weddings are planned this month in June...
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Many weddings are planned this month. I had one last night, one thisafternoon, and 4 in the next 3 days! And that's just the first week ofJune! Here are some thoughts from my 36 years of weddings/counseling thatmight encourage you:
*As part of the sermon (saved on video, of course) I heard myself saying,"It is a sad fact that 50% of marriages end in divorce. The other 50% endin death. You could be one of the lucky ones."
*As I was asking the traditional wedding questions, "Wilt thou love, honor,cherish, be faithful, etc" I was surprised to hear the groom answer "Iwilt".
*In the last counseling session we "check off" all the parts of the ceremonyto be sure the wedding will flow smoothly. We talked about hymns andspecial music, how the front of the church would be decorated, and whethershe would have a white runner down the center aisle.So I read down the list, "Aisle? Altar? Hymn?" and she said, "Pastor, that'swhat she planned to do. I'll alter him."
*In discussing how to handle finances, I shared with a couple that my wifeis always asking for money. "$50 this week, $100 last week. Every week it'smoney, money, money."They asked what she did with all the money and I had to confess that Ididn't know. I never gave her any!
*Overheard from two men in line for cake at a wedding. One said, "Well, mywife is an angel"The other replied, "Be thankful. Mine's still alive."
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