HECK - What the heck...
Heck - what the heck...
Some humorous reading.
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Heck is a state of being in the afterlife, according to certain (sometimes ironic) religious philosophies. It is generally presented as the place where the souls of deceased people who were somewhat sinful - but not bad enough to warrant the eternal torment of Hell - are punished. To others, it is merely a euphemism for Hell.
According to some believers, it is a temporary punishment, to teach the soul a lesson, similar to the traditional Catholic concept of Purgatory. Others conceive of it as permanent and eternal like Hell, but not as unpleasant, marked more by boredom, sadness, and loss than pain and suffering; this model is similar to the ancient Greek conception of the underworld realm of Hades. The unifying concept is an appeal to a common sense of justice suggesting that milder punishments should be meted out for milder wrongdoing. The name is taken from the popular euphemism for the profane word Hell.
One humorous example of this concept in popular literature is in the comic strip Dilbert, in which a character named Phil, The Prince of Insufficient Light (a milder styling than "Prince of Darkness") is the ruler of Heck, and appears periodically to inflict mild punishments upon characters for their moderate transgressions. Instead of the Prince of Darkness's familiar pitchfork, Phil wields an enormous spoon.
Another view in humorous light is that Heck, being lesser than Hell, is ruled by Satan's less evil brother Stan (Satan without the first a).
I used to work with Stan and one of his co-workers would agree with this and the minions of Stan...I liked that Stan.
Heck is the place to which you are darned if you have no faith in gosh
"Heck." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 10 Aug 2006, 01:28 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 10 Aug 2006 <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Heck&oldid=68732468>.
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